What People Are Saying
About Threshold Bible Study
Endorsed by leading scholars, bishops, pastors, and the thousands of Catholics
(and their friends) who have been touched and changed by it.
With a strong background in Bible study, he knows how to provide the roadmap any group
can use to explore Scripture. Using the method known as lectio divina, Threshold Bible
Study provides two things: growth in understanding the sacred text, and at the same time,
the opportunity for actual conversion as the text is broken open and shared. I'd like to put
this into the hands of every adult Catholic in the church today."
Bill Huebsch
Author and theologian, leader in the movement for Lifelong Faith Formation

“Threshold Bible Study is appropriately named, for its commentary and study questions
bring people to the threshold of the text and invite them in. The questions guide but do not
dominate. They lead readers to ponder and wrestle with the biblical passages and take
them across the threshold toward life with God. Stephen Binz's work stands in the tradition
of the biblical renewal movement and brings it back to life. We need more of this in the
Kathleen M. O'Connor
Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary

“I most strongly recommend Stephen Binz's Threshold Bible Study for adult Bible classes,
religious education, and personal spiritual enrichment. The series is exceptional for its
scholarly solidity, pastoral practicality, and clarity of presentation. The church owes Binz a
great debt of gratitude for his generous and competent labor in the service of the Word of
Peter C. Phan
The Ignacio Ellacuria Professor of Catholic Social Thought, Georgetown University

“Threshold Bible Study helpfully introduces the lay reader into the life-enhancing process of
Lectio Divina or prayerful reading of scripture, individually or in a group. This series,
prepared by a reputable biblical scholar and teacher, responds creatively to the exhortation
of the Council to provide God' people abundant nourishment from the table of God's word.
The process proposed leads the reader from Bible study to personal prayer, community
involvement, and active Christian commitment in the world.”
Sandra M. Schneiders
Professor of New Testament and Spirituality, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkeley

“I am pleased to endorse the Threshold Bible Study series. The thematic books are
informative, easy to use, rooted in the Church's tradition of reflection and prayer, and of
sound catechetical method.”
Most Reverend Anthony M. Pilla
Retired Bishop of Cleveland

“Threshold Bible Study is an enriching and enlightening approach to understanding the rich
faith which the Scriptures hold for us today. Written in a clear and concise style, Threshold
Bible Study presents solid contemporary biblical scholarship, offers questions for reflection
and/or discussion, and then demonstrates a way to pray from the Scriptures. All these
elements work together to offer the reader a wonderful insight into how the sacred texts
of our faith can touch our lives in a profound and practical way today. I heartily recommend
this series to both individuals and to Bible study groups.”
Abbot Gregory J. Polan, OSB
Conception Abbey and Seminary College

“Threshold Bible Study is the perfect series of Bible study books for serious students with
limited time. Each lesson is brief, illuminating, challenging, wittily written, and a pleasure to
study. The reader will reap a rich harvest of wisdom from the efforts expended.”
John J. Pilch
Adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

“Stephen Binz has put together a great aid in one of the most important aspects of
Catholic Christian life today: Bible study. Largely the purview for non Catholic Christian laity
in the past, recent years have seen Catholic hungering for scripture study and application
in their daily lives. Stephen Binz's series promises to help meet that need.”
John Michael Talbot
Catholic Recording Artist, Founder of The Brothers and Sisters of Charity at Little Portion Hermitage

“Threshold Bible Study unlocks the Scriptures and ushers the reader over the threshold
into the world of God's living Word. The world of the Bible comes alive with new meaning
and understanding for our times. This series enables the reader to appreciate
contemporary biblical scholarship and the meaning of God's Word. This is the best material
I have seen for serious Bible study.”
Most Reverend Donald W. Trautman
Bishop of Erie

“Threshold Bible Study is that rare kind of program that will help one cross an elusive
threshold - using the Bible effectively for prayer and spiritual enrichment. This user-friendly
program will enhance any personal or group Bible study. Guaranteed to make your love of
Scripture grow!”
Ronald D. Witherup, SS
Biblical scholar and author of The Bible Companion