Threshold Bible Study is the Bible study for today—a dynamic, informative,
inspiring, and life-changing series that helps you learn about Scripture in a
whole new way. Each of its theme-based books will help you to explore new
dimensions of your faith and discover deeper insights for your life as
a disciple of Jesus.
The threshold is a place of transition, a condition into which God invites us in
order transform us. The threshold of God’s word bids us enter that space where
God’s truth, goodness, and beauty can shine into our lives and fill our minds
and hearts. The threshold is holy ground, a sacred space and a graced time.
There God can teach us because God opens our lives to his word and
fills us with the Holy Spirit of truth.
Each Threshold book contains thirty lessons, which you can use on your own
for daily study over the course of a month or which can be divided into six
lessons per week, providing a group study of six weekly sessions. Through the
spiritual disciplines of Scripture reading, study, reflection,
conversation, and prayer, you will experience God's grace more
abundantly and root your life more deeply in Christ.
As you explore this website, you will find comments from well-known
pastoral leaders and scholars who have come to appreciate Threshold
Bible Study. You will discover ways to get your whole community
involved in the study of Scripture that is truly life-changing and
meaningful for Christian life today. You will see books that will lead you to the
threshold to begin the adventure of a lifetime with the word of God.
Now that you're here, we invite you to take three simple but life-changing steps:
Click the cover to find this "live" presentation by the author, Stephen Binz.
Let him invite YOU to experience the Bible as the word of the living God,
"I express my heartfelt hope for the flowering of a new season of greater love for sacred Scripture on the part of every member of the People of God, so that their prayerful and faith- filled reading of the Bible will, with time, deepen their personal relationship with Jesus.” Pope Benedict XVI, Verbum Domini
Click on the cover to find Steve's newest book.