2. Meditatio – Reflecting on the Text     

After careful reading and interpretation of the text with the help of solid commentary, Threshold Bible study
helps the reader meditate on the text. Questions for reflection assist the reader in personally integrating the
text at a deeper level.

Questions for reflection help the Bible reader to do the following:
•  They invite us to ruminate on the text, to go back and focus on some aspect of the text or commentary,
encouraging a careful and thoughtful response.
•  They ask us to probe more deeply, challenging us to create a dialogue between the text and the
information we have from other sources and life
•  They challenge us to apply our learning to our lives in a practical way.

In short, good questions for reflection respond to all dimensions of the human personality: the intellectual,
the affective, and the behavioral – the head, the heart, and the hands.
Lectio Divina
Bible Study

The risen Jesus said: “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking;
if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you” (Rev 3:20).